Wednesday 4 July 2012

Doona Day....

Seriously, did someone turn the air con up or something? It's freezing in Sydney today and all I can think about is cosy fires, red wine, reading in bed, rich stews, cheese boards, UGG boots, hot baths, slow cooked roast dinners, fluffy knitted blankets and foodie treats.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Mid Week Winter Warmer : Pulled Chook Salad

I know, I know, it's a tad chilly out there so a salad is the last thing you're body is craving but this one is bold, robust and reeking of health, flavour and goodness to give you that much needed boost of immunity but leave you feeling nourished and warmed.

Eeek - this was written for me in winter!

The key to making this salad well is quality, seasonal ingredients, the difference really is incredible and well worth the extra $$ so with this in mind I gathered my chosen produce at the amazing Eveleigh Farmers Markets.

I bought a selection to add to my herb garden
Veggies from Kurrawong Organics

Winter Warmer Pulled Chook Salad

The chicken is soft and succulent as it's steamed in it's own juices in a neat foil parcel - pure health. Ensure your free range chicken fillets are sitting snugly in a bed of herbs of your choice, a squeeze of lemon juice, dash of olive oil, salt and pepper and a slug of water at about 180C for around 45 mins or until cooked through.
Shut the doors will ya, it's freezing in here
Oooo check out my tan
At the same time, roast some cubed pumpkin in some olive oil, fresh rosemary and season well - this can go at the bottom of the oven at the same time as the chooks until it's soft, golden and buttery sweet. Set aside and keep warm.

      yeah, I am cute, sweet and tasty
Chop your chosen salad favourites into chunky pieces, I went for these beautiful heirloom tomatoes - call me shallow but looks go along way..
Mirror mirror on the wall...
Umm do i have onion breath?

Minty freshness, coriander, parsley threesome
Into a large salad bowl add in a couple of finely chopped spring onions, a bag of baby spinach, a can of washed and drained cannelleni beans and a good handful of your chosen herbs.

Whilst the chicken fillets are finishing off, use a jam jar to make your dressing using half a lemon, a spoonful of plain yogurt, salt, pepper and a generous slug of olive oil.

Take the chicken out the oven, check its cooked through and simply pull apart with two forks and add to the salad bowl along with the pumpkin and cubed Danish Feta. Dress the salad with the juices from the parcels and the lemon dressing, mix well and serve with warmed crusty bread and grated parmesan.

Pretty as a picture and enough for lunch

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Morning Tea

and space for a cookie jar
Umm bit hard with no arms mum?
Is red my colour?
You jammy little .....
Oh stop it....

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Bad Boy Bakers

Picture this, it's 6.30am on a chilly Saturday morning. No (to my sisters) I am not just getting home from a big night out, I am at Glebe Markets queuing up to nab ourselves a market stall to sell the contents of my wardrobe that embarrassingly could (badly) dress a small country.

I am H.U.N.G.R.Y and would rather be in B.E.D (shock). 

Never leave me.....
Knowing how my mood can deteriorate at a scary speed, my patient bestie (equally but less aggressively ravenous) marches my jelly legs to a welcoming little bakery, instantly lifting my mood within seconds of spying shelves heaving with freshly baked goodness at the La Banette Patisserie, Glebe Point Road.

Saving lives with pastry one croissant at a time
Warming and inviting aromas of flaky, buttery croissants, rustic breads and freshly ground coffee jolt us awake like my alarm clock cruelly did at 5.00am this morning. 

Yeah, I am rustic, hipster and nutritional - kinda
Preferring the latter, I opt for a chai tea (sounds hipster but I don't drink coffee as I talk enough already and meetings with me on caffeine are scary) and said croissant which arrive beautifully presented and HOT.

Morning perfection
Friendly and helpful staff who have been up since stupid o'clock making people like me happy again (Bondi cafe/ restaurant staff take note - smiling is good in hospitality and customers asking questions is normal)talk us through their delectable delights that have all been baked in the wee hours.

Spot the black sheep of the family
The friendly bakeress, awesomeness
Dusted dreams
Australia's Next Top Pastry finalists
La Banette Patisserie really is a cosy slice of rustic Parisian charm, unpretentious, well priced and lets the truly amazing range of products do the talking. 
Half scoffed before the camera had a chance
Just lie here and play dead
Carb crash

Bon Appetite Chompers!

Wednesday 20 June 2012


It's hump day, mid week already and sometimes it feels like our lives are going 100 kilometers an hour so it's important to stop, look up at the sky, feel the sun on your skin and take a deep breath - it really works.

Life's natural tonic
Always, even if you talk too much!
Very soon
Trigg beach sunshine
Dream picnic

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Berry nice!


Brighten the short days with pops of mouthwatering colour, sweetness and vitamins. 

Beautiful berries, my favourite and seasonal addition to a dessert or a healthy brekky. 

Spend a cold Saturday making jam, stew fresh berries for porridge toppings, blend for a vitamin packed smoothie or tumble over creamy smooth yogurt for a sunny arvo snack....